Gummo Comes To Life!

Distractions, You Stupid Dick

Via boingboing comes this series of photos of quite possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve seen on the ‘net since… well never mind. The page is worksafe but will make you yell out in disbelief.

10 thoughts on “Gummo Comes To Life!

  1. FatManScreaming

    Who doesn’t love Whataburger……. I know I am totally jealous as the closest whataburger is ELEVEN hours away……cn

  2. Phronk

    I really want to know the story behind this. What sort of person cares enough about their appearance to own an iron and ironing board, but then lets this happen?

    Maybe it was like “ma’m, you have 3 weeks to live”, and she searched inside her soul to find that if she could do anything at all with her last days on earth, it would be sitting around smoking and eating pizza, doughnuts, and pop.

  3. furface

    I’m totally amazed he/she/it didn’t set the place on fire with all the cigarette butts. Can’t blame the cat for thinking the place was one giant litter box – unless the carpet shrapnel belongs to the human – and what is that wadding on the bathroom floor?

  4. Dead Robot

    We had a long discussion in our cube what that middle photo of the “nuggets” on the floor could be. Shell casings? Cat poo? Rotted candy corn?

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