Happy Anniversary SharkBoy

Personal Bits

Another year has passed and I love you as much now as I did the night you fell asleep on my arm in the back of that truck on the way home from a parade. Or when we talked for hours in your car. Or when you spontaneously bought us lightsabres at Disney. Or when you showed me the moonlight on the navy blue waters of the Caribbean. Or when you roll over and hug me every night.

You bring me so much joy and comfort and love that I would be lost without you.

And now… a year in review!

12 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary SharkBoy

  1. Deadrobot

    Jenn, it’s there. Rogers has done something with their DNS settings and you have to try a couple times. Don’t forget to add HTTP and WWW. Suck, as usual from rogers

  2. furrywolf

    two years now! wow!…
    here’s hoping this for me one day in the future….feel the same way about my new man!

  3. craig

    How sweet. I just hope that I can have a SharkBoy or DeadRobot equivalent in my life again. And I hope the 2 of you have many more years together! 🙂

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