Blogging Theory


The amount of time you’ve been blogging directly relates to the quality of the inevitable book deal.
Getting a book deal right out of the gate will result in a flash-in-the-pan amount of attention. Inversely, a book deal after 9 years of blogging will result in a niche market response: Namely “zzzz”

Celebrity from blogging only comes from extremes.
Maintaining a certain “level” of extreme content results in an equal level of growth. If you blog about pooping in Jimmy Choo shoes and only about pooping in Jimmy Choo shoes, your readership will grow like a tsunami just after the last Googlebot scan of your site.

Blogging is not therapeutic
No matter how good it feels to throw your personal shit out there, you will not become level headed and normal after writing about the peeing on the cat fetish you hide.

Comments are never about your post but always about the commenter
If you write about how fire engulfed your home and you’ve lost everything, it is inevitable that someone will comment that they have cancer.

Getting acknowledged in the real world by your blog name is neither comforting or thrilling
It’s actually a bit creepy.

10 thoughts on “Blogging Theory

  1. photog2

    “Comments are never about your post but always about the commenter
    If you write about how fire engulfed your home and you’ve lost everything, it is inevitable that someone will comment that they have cancer.”
    It was such a pretty day today, and then I got rabies

  2. SharkBoy

    Once my house caught fire and I lost everything, so my best friend helped me rebuild and he got cancer from the fumes and then he died and when I went to his funeral my house caught fire and I lost everything and then I found out you were gay

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