My New Theem

Distractions, Tech

Like it? I’m due for a change. I’m going to tart up the header and such but for now, the top links will look a bit wonky until the old posts move off and the jQwerty populates fully.

This will force me to be more visual I think.

Feel free to call me a corporate sell out or whatnot.

13 thoughts on “My New Theem

  1. Dead Robot

    madamerouge :

    It reminds me of EVE — in a totally good way. The font is displaying wonderfully in Firefox 3.0.6

    The current design aint the one I had for this post. I found the original too restrictive for image/video posts. This one has me happy thought. Good design down the tubes.

  2. Dead Robot

    Dead Robot :

    I have the options set that the entire article is displayed. Hitting “Continue Reading” brings you to the full page where the comments are too, so suck it up, lazy post-holiday lizard holder guy!

    Also, clicking on the “+” beside the Category tag at the bottom of the post brings up similar articles. I’m all about the helpful.

    And with that said, I had to kill it due to it being so fucking buggy with multiple images. Hope you like the current one…

  3. Dead Robot

    I have the options set that the entire article is displayed. Hitting “Continue Reading” brings you to the full page where the comments are too, so suck it up, lazy post-holiday lizard holder guy!

    Also, clicking on the “+” beside the Category tag at the bottom of the post brings up similar articles. I’m all about the helpful.

  4. Phronk

    Looks nice! It’s like a professional type web site. Which I guess it is. 🙂

    Since you asked, my only beef is that I don’t enjoy “continue reading” links. I’d rather read it all without clicking, because clicking is HARD.

  5. The Mutant

    Ooooooh, very flash. It looks all kinds of professional now, which I find utterly heartbreaking when compared to my own snivelling attempts.

    It is all kinds of fabulous though, well done!

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