JJ Abrams is in my Home

Celebs and Media

red-trek-miniKotaku announces that JJ Abrams, “Kirk” and “Spock” (Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, respectively) will be dropping by PS3’s HOME for a bit of pre-movie release buzz. Unfortunately it’s for media peeps only, but the whole thing will be broadcrap live on the Star Trek Playstation HOME website on Monday. Log in to HOME today to see an “exclusive” trailer and greeting from JJ himself.

I now have to try to wrangle the credit card from SharkBoy so I can get myself a Red Shirt uniform.

Speaking of which, did you catch the CSI last night as our crime scene heroes investigate the murder of thinly disguised Shatner-esque star after he reveals his beloved 60s Sci Fi show is getting a Battlestar makeover? Expert nods to some more cheesier Trek times.

4 thoughts on “JJ Abrams is in my Home

  1. postbear

    i used to consider csi a bit of a guilty pleasure (to what extent i feel any sort of guilt), but then i read an article by jg ballard that showed i was in good company. i haven’t really watched it in a couple of years, but i still want to fuck william petersen.

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