Introducing… Billy Dee Williams

Personal Bits

We’ve noticed that George Hamilton has been a bit starved for attention lately. He’s been more vocal in the rising heat and we’ve been brushing him almost twice a day. Still he’s been a bit …sad?

George Hamilton Repose

George Hamilton Repose

We wandered the streets of Toronto today, avoiding the obvious parades and rib fests going on and took a look around The Human Society’s Civic Holiday Adoption Blitz.

Dick Tracy Wept

Dick Tracy Wept

A car outside the Toronto Humane Society

A car outside the Toronto Humane Society

After the first initial blast of too-many-cats-smell we wandered around the various rooms trying to judge which cat would make a good brother for George. Rows upon rows of manky kitties. We found a couple but there was always one deal breaker, ladies, that made us move on… diabetes, long haired, FIV+, ugly…

Freeeeedooooooom! ...and nuts!

Freeeeedooooooom! ...and nuts!

Then there was Blakey. He stood up and nuzzled the gate silently. His green eyes shone. He purred.


We’d have to change his name in keeping with C-list actors, so Billy Dee it was. We brought Billy Dee Williams home and kept him in his cage a bit as George Hamilton sniffed around his box. The guide books said to keep them apart for a week in separate rooms and litters. A week? Really? That lasted all of 15 min and Billy Dee Williams wanted out to explore. George Hamilton doesn’t seem impressed. But they can be in the same room together at this point…

The Meeting Of Pussy

The Meeting Of Pussy

However it seems Billy Dee Williams keeps on trying to make friends and George Hamilton starts to growl and hiss when he gets within 7 feet of him. Time will heal all wounds.

8 thoughts on “Introducing… Billy Dee Williams

  1. furface

    Tell George Hamilton to keep his eye on BDW aka Robvert Blakey – or at least not to go to dinner with him.

  2. Dead Robot

    We’re kind of thinking the whole “one week thing” was probably a good idea. After three days they’re not hissing/fighting as much – they have started to nose kiss, but that soon de-evolves into spitting again when BDW goes to sniff GH’s nether regions.

  3. Cb

    Good on you, adopting a shelter cat! And Billy D looks cute– but I think he’s ready for a close up!!

  4. Evil Panda

    They’ll become friends soon enough, it just takes time. G.H. is used to being the king of the castle, so he’s gonna be territorial for a bit.

    Two cats. Get 3 and you become honorary lesbians.

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