I Want To Tell You Hebbo!

Distractions, Personal Bits

Lately I’ve been …incomplete. I have to admit that my life has been rather empty and lost. Oh sure I had a loving husband and two wonderful cats and lots of electronic gadgets to keep me occupied but I found that my soul lacked that soul-like thing that makes all of us full of souls. I was a shell of a person with a shell around them. I was empty inside but with guts and things inside.

Then I got a brochure.

I am a better person today because of it! I’ve learned the 313 secrets of Tarvu and I know how to talk to an octopus!

Tarvuism is the world’s fastest growing religion and it’s so EASY to join! ™

I’m not sure what the good book of Tarvuism says about homosexuality but I’m sure it will be word-like!

I encourage you to join! It’s so EASY to join!


4 thoughts on “I Want To Tell You Hebbo!

  1. SharkBoy

    I like the “identical twins” in the picture, with one 6 inches taller than the other… yeah… riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
    I say: “sashay away”

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