2 thoughts on “There May Not Be Any Basement…

  1. postbear

    this simpleton needs to understand that the maxim is repeated erroneously. it’s really ‘the customer is occasionally right’.

    i’m guessing the theatre targets the part of the market that likes films to be an immersive experience, free from thoughtless interruptions. that’s my demographic, and i only get it in repertory cinemas now, if even there (though our viewing of alien and aliens at the last digifest attracted stellar audiences). good for them for not caving in to the lowest common denominator moron crowd that seems to be the fixation of so many other marketers.

    one more thing, which i may blurt on youtube: do people who leave whiny messages select that irritating nasal tone deliberately? i recently received voicemail from someone who sounded a lot like this, despite the glaring differences (male, in his 50s, torontonian), and mike watt has a track using a voicemail from kathleen hanna on ball-hog or tugboat in which she adopts a very similar tone. is complaint an accent?

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