Category Archives: Tech



I …mmmmuuuuhhh Turtleneck and jeans!

Sits on hands.

Can’t wait for mmmmuuuuhhhh product!


Steve Jobs… reality distortion field! Building!

Shifts on bum.

I muuuuhhhhh! Apple Notebook Air! Small! Fills gap between uhhhrrrg iPhone and Notebook. Newton’s bastard son! No optical drive! Docks with iMac!

Eyes roll back.

2nd generation muuuhhhh iPhone! More apps! Get movies from iTunes! More thingys to plug into it. Gurrrahhh! “Hello, eh?” on big screen. iPhone comes to Canadaaarrg!

Head shake.

Hurrrrr! New iMac speeds and even larger huuurrrr monitors!

Sways side to side.

I’ve downloaded RELOAD EVERY for my Firefox! Low work production between noon and 1pm from me!

Update: Already people are complaining about not having a DVD drive. Sheesh! Fun note: Twitter died during the presentation. My Firefox with Reload Every worked fine! Ironically, trends sometimes aren’t the way to go.

Gizmodo And the Kerfuffle


I’ve been loving the whole Gizmodo blow up at the Consumer Electronics Show this year.

Gizmodo bloggers rile against the hype machine that is CES. They hit the nail on the head: they resist the cheese and fluff of poorly rolled out product and demand more substance in a funny, well written article. Well done!

In what might have negated their credibility, Gizmodo bloggers take TV-B Gones into the CES and wreak havoc with displays/demonstrations. Sophomoric fun, I’ve done it myself. Gizmodo owns up to it by posting a video confession of it on their site.

Fury ensues. Many tech writers complain that “bloggers” ruin the integrity of journalism. Many critics of Giz and Gawker come trolling out of the woodwork to lay down words like “ethics” and “journalism” and “there goes our martini lunches” etc.

CES responds by banning Giz for life. (note the comments headers from CNet readers. Not fans of Giz, for sure!)

Giz responds with a scathing article about “integrity” and “civil disobedience” and call out their critics for kowtowing to big corporations. They remind everyone that a journalist’s job is to also report crap as it is to report on a futurama-style product.

Many of our harshest critics have done far worse than clicking off a few TVs. I’m talking about ethical lapses such as accepting paid junkets to Japan by Nikon, or free trips to Korea by Samsung. Turning a blind eye to Apple’s mistakes when they didn’t make an iPhone SDK and sought to lock down the handset. Stock prices torn downward by publishing incorrect leaked info. Writing about companies that also pay you for advertorial podcast work. All of these examples are offenses from the last year. And I consider those offenses far worse than our prank, because it ultimately it puts the perpetrators on the wrong team.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. But the whole article sounds like another cry for attention. We made funny. We got noticed (in a bad way) and now we’re spoiling the fun for everyone.

I love Giz. I love their articles and how they bring a fun geeky spin to new products and news articles, but in this case, I think they’re trying to act adult despite the fact that they post titles like “Extreme Tank Wheelchair Gets Upgraded: Rascal Owners…Be Very Afraid” or “Polar Cities for Day After Tomorrow Survivors Will Save Us All From Horrible Deaths” or “62-in-1 Card Reader / Hub: The Only Thing it Can’t Do is Pleasure You (Or Can It?)”.

Do I want them to start acting like an adult? No. I like what they’re doing. Do I want them to STFU and move on? Yes.

Update: Giz just released this statement that they are ensuring that no A/V staff were harmed (ie: fired, hit or put out in the yard) in the execution of their prank.

Eighth Annual Weblog Awards

Celebs and Media, Queer stuff, Tech

I’ve gone and done my duty and you should too. This year, I strictly stuck to my blogroll as that nominating anything outside it would be lying.

Here are my choices:

Best Application: WordPress
Best Canadian Blogs: Sharkboy, Studio YVR and BlamBlog
Best Food Weblog: Cheap Eats Toronto
Best Gossip: TMZ
Best Entertainment: TMZ
Best Weblog About Politics: Hairy Fish Nuts
Best Computers/Tech Blog: Gizmodo
Best GLBT Blog: If You Can Read My Mind, Sharkboy, AcidReflux
Most Humorous: Cute With Chris, I Can Has Cheezburger
Best Group: Torontoist
Best of the Year: Sharkboy (I hadda!)

Hurry! Nominations close Jan 11th!

Abuse of Power Comes As No Surprise


Rogers Death StarTorontoist has an scary interesting article about how Rogers is watching you surf the web by inspecting the packages that are sent to your IP.

Of course they’re disguising it as “a friendly reminder” that you may be approaching your monthly bandwidth limit by inserting their content into other people’s pages. How do they do this? Easy, they inspect the request packet when you call up and add on their “notice” into the header of Google’s web page. This is “data shaping” at work. They know exactly what you are doing on the web, much like a bitter IT manager at your office, and are manipulating the content in their favour.

The sinister aspect of this is that Rogers is testing their network to be able to deliver their ads on web pages that may match what their selling. You call up The Globe and Mail and across the top is an extra banner for one of Roger’s many magazines. Oh goody! More ads! Why else would they be developing this? Has their autoresponse emailer broke?

Does anyone remember when you would get spam through the Instant Messenger service on your computer (not the chat program, but the Network administrator notification app)? Remember how even Microsoft recommended you disable it for home use to avoid this spam? Now how do we disable our IP?

Currently Watching…

Celebs and Media, Distractions, iPhone, Tech

On my iPhone:
Crazy Rulers of the World – The Men Who Stare at Goats: a three part documentary aired on Channel 4 in England about the infiltration and misconstruction of new-age beliefs into the US military and beyond. The first episode is baffling funny – we search for the man who can stop goat hearts just by thinking about them and wind up with a video tape that isn’t quite the same caliber. The second uncomfortably funny – going further into the conspiracies, we find that the “Earth Battalion” methods of combat are being used with horrific results. The third makes you feel guilty for laughing. Conspiracy theorists will use this as porn. The narrator is Welsh (I think) and has a rather distracting accent, but creates a compelling argument that there actually ARE crazy people who wield power today.

BoingBoingTV: They’re not using Xeni Jardin so much as presenter these days, which is a shame, because Mark F. makes me think of a creepy science teacher who’s just asked you to stay after class to clean erasers. The content of this podcast is 90% weird and wonderful (The plushies episode still makes me want to wash my eyes). He’s becoming unapologetic to dissatisfied parents who poo poo his show as being dirty, taunting them into admitting that “what they had to do to become parents is dirty”. Fave character on any show to date: Pervy the Horse. Predominantly a teen viewership, but he did have a nice shout out to hairy bears who watch his shows a couple episodes back.

On my PVR:
Sarah Silverman. Doody. Rob Schrab directs and produces (creator of Scud the Disposable Assassin and Robot Bastard). ‘Nuff said.

The usual array of reality TV that I can’t seem to shake like an addiction to bed time chips: Amazing Race (Go Goths!), Survivor (ho hum), Dancing With the Stars (anyone notice that they’ve started to use a “camera shake” effect every time they show Marie Osmond hitting the floor in her infamous live faint?), Miami/LA Ink (not so much these days, it’s becoming as set up as The Hills, which I DO NOT WATCH), and of course, Miss Tyra Banks and her lovely gaggle of goosey Glamour goddesses, America’s Next Top Model.

Heroes: After a slow start, last night’s episode was like a defibulator to the series. Wham! Thank god Hiro is out of feudal Japan. That was getting a bit drawn out.

Very dry this year, you may have noticed. Shelly is pouting. We did see Superbad (laughed), American Gangster (liked it), and uh…others. But nothing has compelled me to write about them. We’re going to see No Country For Old Men this weekend, by order of SharkBoy. I expect it will be good.

Rogers Home ClusterF*ck


Our main home line is not working.

Since getting “Rogers Home Phone” service, the phone would cut out once or twice a month for an hour or two. I would call into technical support and do the whole “modem reset” song and dance and about an hour later, the phone would be fine until 4-5 weeks later when the whole thing would start again.

If you’re trying to reach us, try our cells first.

Not. Impressed. At. All.

Update! It’s fixed. When asked if it was going to stay fixed the technician said “if it breaks again, call me. I need the money!”

What?! So the others were doing half-assed jobs so they could get more tech calls?!?