Survivor Weekend Campground

Hobbies, Personal Bits, Queer stuff

Hee hawFuntime Pics now up for fun! Some not entirely safe for work…

The Campground played host to “Survivor Weekend” where a bunch of half clothed men take part in party games to become the last man standing. So very sexy!

6 thoughts on “Survivor Weekend Campground

  1. Lex

    First off – Survivor Weekend!?! I wanna run a campground and plan stuff like this all day. That sounds like a blast.

    Second off – ring #2: I’d say commercial BBQ sauce (a little less glisten & I’d guess HP); ring #5: salsa verde?; ring #7 is ground up Bick’s Pickle Alien. I’m sure of that one!

    Third off – No one told me there was a writing notes to DR in condiments challenge on. Things are about to get messy… very messy.

  2. Dead Robot

    The outer ring is mustard.
    The second ring is …
    Third ring in is watery guaccamole?
    The Fourth ring is ketchup
    The fifth is BBQ sauce?
    The sixth is mayo (I hope)
    The last is…

    When you made that, did your family/friends stare at you like you were Richard Dreyfus in Close Encounters? Mine did.

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