Blank Chalkboards

Personal Bits, Toronto

Isnt it funny how we do things on automatic? There is a Chinese restaurant by Sharkboy’s house that always puts out a massive street chalkboard every day but yet they never write anything on it. Never. Not even “open” or “Now with 35% less bugs” or anything. Just a big blank chalk board with their name on it. I guess they think its suppose to signify theyre open or something. I am assuming they just “do it” because thats what you do when you have a restaurant: you get a street sign that blocks peoples way so people notice your business, yet they havent gone that one step further and listed their daily specials to entice (or any food for that matter). So the place might be a money laundering front or its really an opium den or something, but you think they’d try a bit harder…

Then I wonder if theres any blank chalkboards in my life. Something Im forgetting to do…that little extra thing that Im not doing that people do notice. I check zippers, socks (same colour) and teeth before leaving the house.