
Personal Bits

Say goodbye kids. This humble blog will be ending on April 9th. Its been fun, hasnt it? I am not renewing the domain or webspace as that the providers are kind of restrictive (they handle biz domains and this is hardly a biz, aint it?). Plus Im broke. More on that later. No panic though, I may transfer this to my portfolio site so stay ‘tuned for updates.


Why do I torture myself? The snazzy new flavours from Crest jumped out at me from the shelf and I thought the Citris Blast looked yummy so I got it. Upon putting that crap in my mouth I was hit with the horror that is the dentist. You know the feeling: the gritty cleaning solution they polish your teeth with at the end of the session that makes you gag uncontrollably? Well, I do, at any rate. As soon as my toothbrush hit my tounge I started to Uk! Uk! Uk! and was looking for the little sink to barf into. STAY AWAY FROM THESE FLAVOURS! Dont believe the hype! I am sure the Cinnamon Hell and Xtreme Mint are just as horrid. Im sticking with my Nighttime Bubble Gum flavour.