Trans Europe Expressed

Queer stuff, Work

Stressful times kids. I didnt get the GANZ job, and to justify the loss Ive been telling myself that the 1 3/4 hour commute either way would have killed me. Oh well. Anyone needing a graphic designer should email me via my portfolio site (sing it with me people…shaaaaamless pluuuuuug!)

I find I am returning to GAB, a “comedy” web board that I use to hang at. Its somewhat addictive to hit refresh all the time to see if people think your posts are funny. I use to post over on its sister board House of Bugs but there are a few people there who just get up my wick. Comedy is so subjective, really.

Regarding the ever-increasing name that the gaylesbianbisexualtransgenderedtransexualintersexedqueer community seems to be generating, I asked my brother (who was one of the original Toronto chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgance) his take:

I was looking through Xtra this morning and found a letter to the editor regarding “our community” being refered to as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Transsexual, Intersexual, Queer (GLBTTIQ for ease?) and I wondered to myself if back in the 70s when you were with the Sisters and being all activisty (I like my new word), did you think for a moment that the “gay community” would expand to include these groups as well?

What we thought was that it already did include all these variations away from sexual “normality” under one word…”gay.” But that idea came under a lot of criticism, first, and most powerfully, from lesbians, and then there was a proliferation of names that got added as queer theory gained momentum in the 1990s. There was a time when it looked like “queer” would represent all the different sexual variations again, but that time’s past. We’re stuck with a shopping list.

Paul, a buddy of mine from Chicago, in an email, called our community “an island of misfits” to which Id like to amend to it “island of sexual misfits”. Just because the common denominator here is sex. Got some, need some, had some, lost some.