With Great Page Visits Comes Great Responsibilities


My stats for Feb crested 8000 visits for my little, no-real-direction site. Yay us, funtime happy readers! Thank you! I’d use my hits but unfortunately some dorkass L337 black hat thought it would be cool to create a virus that references a long-erased .jpg from my site which skewers my stats to over a million hits a month (oddly enough the virus was quiet for Jan but last month it resurfaced in Japan sending my hits back up over 3 million).

But this morning I woke to find much of my post’s comments from last year spammed for the first time. Thankfully b2Evolution has a one click banning button that wipes all spam comments/referals or I’d still be logging IPs.

So you see kids, the web is a dirty place. A mean place. A place where thieves roll 20 sided dice and always come up over 15 (with a lock pick modifier of +3).

0 thoughts on “With Great Page Visits Comes Great Responsibilities

  1. Furface

    Ah the web – like mass for shut-ins – and you know that is going to get some nasty responses

  2. Anonymous

    Daryl, you’ll have to ask the techies who host your site about that. My guy has me set up on Webalizer. Its free, not pretty but gets the job done. Sort of like last call at the Eagle.