Gun Play? Not Right Now


Earlier I wrote about how stupid the ad for Toronto’s “Gun Play No Way” day was. I still stand by that post despite what happened to me last night.

While walking down Broadview I noticed a late model Civic driving towards me with a small child’s hand, holding a cap gun, sticking out of the passenger’s window.

As they drove by people the child was pulling the trigger. With loud pops, he was shooting at people walking down the street.

He fired off a couple at the pair of women who were about 20m in front of me and, as he passed, he shot one off at me too. BAM! I stopped and watched in amazement as other people got the same treatment as the gang-banger-in-training drove by.

What fucktard, train wreck of a parent thinks this is ok behaviour for their child?

5 thoughts on “Gun Play? Not Right Now

  1. Furface

    If only we were able to open the gun crimes laws and the young offenders act and give them both a bit more teeth – big teeth like Mike “pinball” Clemons and his crusade to save TO.

  2. hockeyfan960

    I think that the problem has boiled down to the fact that everyone believes that society owes them a life and an existance….Nobody takes responsiblity for anything. Parents complain that the school failed my kids, while that is another arguement….the fact remains that if you leave a child in daycare and under the supervision of a person making $8 an hour, what type of upbringing do you think that there are going to recieve. I am a big believer in environment shaping a big portion of who you are and how you function in society….If you allowed to run ramptent in your younger years what does that teach you in dealing with life as an adult….??

  3. andrew

    you can’t possibly expect us to believe that you’re surprised by a manifestation of bad parenting. you do leave your house now and again, don’t you?

    people too stupid to effectively take pills and/or operate a condom shouldn’t be allowed to raise children. at least our society could do something useful with these hellspawn, if only we were allowed to reopen the salt mines.

  4. Anonymous

    Creepy story, Cuz. I blame John Wayne movies for behaviour like that.

    When I was a kid (says the bitter old queen), we use to egg Trans Ams and IROCs. That was pretty much the only “from a moving car” kind of fun we ever had.

  5. hockeyfan960

    About two years ago, I was traveling along the highway here in NJ, when a car came up fast from behind me and quickly switched lanes to go around me on the left as I was looking to also pass a slower car in front of me, by getting into the left lane. Looking in my rear view and seeing that the car behind had already made it two-thirds of the way into the left lane, I pulled back into my lane to let them by….as the car went by the passenger gave me the finger…to which I replied with the same….at this point the car was just about in front of the slower car in front of me when the passenger leaned out the window with a small hand gun and waved for me to pull up along side…I hit the brakes and hit 911 on my cell phone to report it to the police…6 police cars responded and surrounded the car about 4 miles(6.4 KM) up the road…both driver and passenger were arrested…giving my statement to the police a few months later, they told me how it had been a plastic gun…but that they didn’t treat it any different…the officer also told me how no one would post bail for the two punks….

    It’s Crazy what some kids think fun is these days….

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