Festival Of Popular Delusions Day


I seriously overheard this at the gym:

“They say these terrorist were going to set off their bombs tomorrow: The sixth day on the sixth month of the sixth year! 666! They wanted to optimize Catholic fear.”

You. Fucking. Fear mongrelling. Dipshit. First of all, that’s a bad movie remake marketing ploy for “The Omen”. The real number of the beast is something like 616 depending on your beliefs and if that’s the case then you missed it. Secondly why would Muslim extremeists, who want to destroy our freedoms, want to use this as a marker when Canada has such a diverse spectrum of religious beliefs? I thought they hated our corrupt indulgent culture more than our religion? Why not attack us on National Mud Pack Day? Hit us in our vainest moments with muck on our faces?

As an aside, according to that page, today is Festival Of Popular Delusions Day. Oh irony!

The whole thing makes me think these terrorists were about as dumb as gym-boy here. Do you think that these numbskulls would have thought that some computer somewhere in the US or Canada (since we’re both being ruled by like minded, security-conscious conservative leaders), would have burped out their names when they tried to purchase all at once, 3 times the amount of nitrate that leveled the Oklahoma building? (Thankfully one did, but it wasn’t a computer based in any government office. Way to go, Canaidan Fertalizer Institute!)

Mine name is probably flashing across a CSIS screen right now for just typing that.

I hope.

Hello boys! Just a semi-hillarious fluff blog here… Kudos to you guys for catching these extremists before they could act! Keep up the good work!

4 thoughts on “Festival Of Popular Delusions Day

  1. Furface

    Oh, whose prolapsed anus is currently in the tabloids?

    Apparently one of the evil-attempters was plotting/going to decapitate Mr. Harper.

  2. andrew

    heh, “fear mongrelling”. i love the way you mutilate the language.

    silly speculation will always pop up, unfortunately, and don’t forget another factor: people need to see patterns and purpose they can understand, even if it’s horribly misguided. juxtapose a so-called terrorist plot and a remarkable (to the sheeplike) date and you have an instant conversation topic for people too thick to discuss anything other than sports or a random celebrity’s prolapsed anus.

  3. Furface

    They should wait until festival season starts – LGBT(or whatever it currently is)Pride Day, Carribana (or whatever it is going to be known as) when people are meandering around like cattle. The sheer volume of bodies would be staggering – just an idea.

    I think I might be channelling Andrew.

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