What’s In The Suitcase? Day Twenty Three


I’m generally a light packer when it comes to toiletries. I can survive a while on toothbrush, shave stuff and moisturizer. But we’re going for a while and we’re in formal (adult?) situations. Best to err on the side of “too much”.

Whenever I stand in the isle at the drugstore that sells those travel size packets I get excited. Even though I only use .05% of whatever they’re selling (I don’t really need shampoos or conditioners). But I still get a rush looking for stuff to hoard along with me.

Looky at the image below. You’ll need to click on it with your mousetoolthing to make it go biggen to see all the explanations. Enjoy!

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3 thoughts on “What’s In The Suitcase? Day Twenty Three

  1. Dyl

    But what is number 18?!

    By the way, I’ve just nominated you for one of those blogging award meme things (see my blog). Don’t feel obliged. x

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