What’s In The Suitcase? Day Twenty Four


News Flash! I think this weekend only Old Navy is clearing out old summer stock! These were $17 each! Such good timing! I’m all verklempt!

If anything a warm vacation in the middle of winter keeps your domicile neat and tidy. I just spent an hour in my skivvies running from closet to kitchen to get SharkBoy to approve on various fashion contemplations (he was cleaning up after the Fondue we had last night! Thanks JTree and Fortress of Solitude!). I’m rummaging through all my clothes looking for frays, rips, never-worns, and “holy shit? I wore these” kinds of outfits and SharkBoy gives his expert not or disapproving look. No. I will not post pictures.

Apparently I need ties. Again. I only have one – from my wedding- that one of the cats took a shining to one night while exploring the closet. It’s got a big run in the silk. So off to the store this morning.

We’re judgemental machines. Humans decide whether or not you’re good to eat or if you’re going to sire your babies within milliseconds of seeing you and clothing plays a big part of that. I assume that my “style” elicits a “Mostly Harmless” reaction within people’s subconscious brain. Then I prey on them and eat their eyes.

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