Category Archives: Hobbies

When my butt isn’t in this chair…

Birth Celebration, XBox, Stinky Feathers, Death

Distractions, Hobbies

That was pretty much my weekend, but not in that order.

Friday, we celebrated the birthday of Photog #1 (although with Photog #2’s purchase of his Canon D40, I think I may need to switch these numbers around) with copious amounts of Chinese food and Wii. It’s amazing to see someone who has barely ever played video games try to master minigames on Super Mario Party. Lots of waving and screaming. I was reminded of the time we put a Walkman on my 82 year old grandfather back in the early 80s. He started to hoot and sing along completely unaware he was making a ruckus.

Saturday was the funeral for John, one of the owners of The Point campground. I’m tired of going to funerals. Three in one year should be a maximum limit. Any more than that you should be eligible for a emotional tax write off from the government. At one point during the ceremony my mind wandered and started to wonder about the position they place you in when you get stuffed. I want to be in an action pose, vertical, probably playing a video game. Just like an animal, perched on a log. Then the casket rolled into the chapel and the fun thoughts stopped. I really didnt want to go to the gravesite but it seemed everyone else did (there was a procession of 30 some cars, which, to my surprise, was making traffic stop on BOTH sides of the road). The reception was good. I was texting Normlr that his favorite camper, Mr Jiggles was cruising my husband. How tacky (for both of us!).

I tried my first ever live, online game on Saturday night. I went online with Beautiful Katamari and promptly got my ass pwned by some kid from Japan. Nice. After the game he kept on making his Avatar bow before me. I was vaguely creeped out and managed to make a heart icon appear over my head. It was a bizarre international moment that I will have a hard time forgetting.

Sunday was busy. We got some of my stuff out of storage and unpacked it into the kitchen while SharkBoy wrapped our gifts to the family. We’re 95% done our Xmas shopping! Ha! Meanwhile I was so happy to see some of my kitchen utensils after nearly two years in storage (My lime press! My salad spinner! My 1950s Science Fair melamine tray!) that I wept tears of joy as I unpacked and cleaned all my (our!) Good Grips. The harsh reality is that we now own 4 can openers, a million wooden spoons and only one good potato masher. Then I dragged my old duvet over to the laundromat and stuffed it into the industrial sized dryer. When the water hit it, the cover turned a delightful light brown. Huh? Ew? Came out clean anyway.

Post Shooters

Celebs and Media, Hobbies, iPhone

Last night at the gym I had to work out beside two women who just would not stop talking. Trapped! They went across a wide spectrum of topics including spiritualism, dating, hair, dating, best friends boyfriends, psychics, cuteness, masculinity and dating. Best line: “He was French. So you know he wasn’t super-masculine.” Thank god SharkBoy didn’t hear that. Nearer to the end, the most talkative one asked “What’s your name again?”

I got a movie from a bin at my favorite video store called “Flight of the Living Dead” and thought “With a title like that, I am pretty sure that Meryl Streep wept when the script passed her by.” The tag line was “Outbreak on a Plane” and I think pluralizing the “outbreak” would have been a bigger wink to Samuel Jackson. For a crap zombie flick with all the quality of a made-for-SciFi-channel movie, it was a-fucking-mazing! It was as bad as you expected and yet so much more! All the cliches were there: a nun, a skanky air hostess, a good air hostess, a cop and his prisoner doing their best Odd Couple shtick, a “last flight before I retire” pilot, a mile high club scene interrupted by a zombie attack and marital drama saved by death. Please. Rent this movie.

I walked into my local pizza joint and the guy behind the counter says “Hey! iPhone guy!” That kind of freaked me out because I didn’t have it on me at the time.

Speaking of iPhone, Normlr (who like me, is a bit strapped for time to post. Pity), sent me screen shots of his new Crackberry. Too Cute! Yes, that is a screenshot of Kath and Kim. If you don’t know who these two are, I feel sad for you.
Blackberry 1
Blackberry 2
Blackberry 3

I’ve finished my first Xbox360 game: BioShock. In terms of engine, it’s uses the Unreal Tournament style of third person shooter, but for graphics, Hol Eee Poop! I loved how the story unraveled and the twist near the end came at a perfect time – not too close to the end to be a buzz kill and not too close to the middle to deflate your interest.

Futureshop store at Yonge and Dundas? Zzzz. We went on opening night and there were no visible deals to be had. They did have a special on product security alarms because they were going off every few seconds. Best Buy, despite their dubious business practices, is still a better store for gadget-gasms.

On a sad note, John, one of the owners of The Point Campsite died last night after a long struggle. He will be missed. Especially the many outrageous outfits and catty comments he would display behind the bar at the campsite.

Does She Shave Her Legs?

Hobbies has a great step by step on how to make a pretty rockin’ werewolf costume. The process seems easy yet some parts are purely for fan-boy proportions (Opera gloves? Polyurethane?). I’m somewhat swayed to try it seeing how it’s going to be Zero Degrees C and my costume involves having no shirt!

Regardless, one of the pictures is hilarious:

Wear Wolf

Weekend Update 102107

Hobbies, Toronto


IMG_0705, originally uploaded by deadrobot.

Better organized gallery over on Picasaweb, here.

Sharkboy has a detailed rundown of our weekend over on his blog (up on Monday morning).

But I have the photos! A lot of them look like I’m taking pictures of people taking our picture. There’s a reason for that…

I was rather apprehensive about the whole Zombie Walk thing – too shy to get there in full zombie drag and we were rather undecided as to what to wear. At 11am we still had not figured out a costume and after a dirty, empty handed trip to Goodwill, we came home dejected. Suddenly Sharkboy emerges from the bedroom whooping and hollerin’ with his Mickey Mouse ears. Bingo! Zombie Tourists!

There were nerdy fanboys, creepy goths that didn’t need to do much with their look and the outright fringe of “WTF?” outfits, but the generally it was like Halloween but with people (undead?) who actually thought about their costumes. I’d do it again in a second.

It was dead easy to keep in character. Nyuck!

Inked Again

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Finally, after 5+ years of having a poor lonely robot on my back with no frame of reference or any kind of ‘story’ to it…

old tat with rays
(Ix the Robot with preliminary designs in marker – click all to enlarge!)

…I took my book of Sci Fi pulp fiction covers into King of Fools tattoo to let Ronan sketch out a cover…


for a relatively large back piece.

inked up no colour

Originally the Spaceman was suppose to be firing upon the robot but Ronan switched it out so it looks like he’s protecting him, which I think works a lot better.

more detail

Love the detail. The “flames” coming off the robot will be blended into the dark navy blue background of space. Can’t wait for the colour to be added in 4 weeks (sooner if he gets a cancellation!)

What Would You Like?


I’ve updated to WP2.3 today and felt like a new beginning. Tell me avid readers, which theme do you like the best?

The current one? (very slight changes)

This one? I like it’s compartmental layout but wish it was a bit lighter…
Simple Bloo

Or this one? So newspapery. And three cols no less!
Simple Cols

Rainy Days and Sunday

Hobbies, Queer stuff

Back from camping at The Point (pics and comments past the link). First and maybe the last one of the year. SharkBoy, the Mailman and I met up with Normlr and Q for some year end drinking. They do have a lovely trailer with a distinctive colour. And possibly the largest bathroom I have ever seen in a trailer. Really.

Poor Normlr and Q. Being new to The Point they were mauled by certain individuals who’s desperation in getting their rusty, fat loud-mouthed hooks into fresh meat made me feel embarrassed for all parties involved. While we enjoyed watching the Seasies (the year end “Best Of…” show for the campground), one certain seasonal camper decided that behaving like a drunken construction worker from Italy was “fun” and “ok” and that grabbing the Boys’ ass like they were Amsterdam’s Red Light District’s finest. Not cool.

We pointed them to the “good guys” and if they decide to stay as seasonals next year, they’ll be in good hands. I hope they had a good time!