Category Archives: Toronto

This wacky city I live in.



I want a 200G hard drive in my head that records what I’m looking at with the flick of a thought. Then I could download some of the things I saw this morning like the guy in the alley near my house doing his best John Cleese “Ministry of Silly Walks” routine without knowing he was being watched.

Or the face of the homeless guy waiting in a sun soaked temporary work storefront, his stubbly chin sticking out of his hoodie, eyes hidden.

Or how the Scotia tower looks like the citadel from Half Life 2 on most mornings.

Or the sun casting a perfect font shadow in a sign making store.

Its amazing how beautiful things become when the temperature goes above -5C and there isnt a cloud in the sky.


I remembered this post thickslab made a couple days back where I commented that clandestine photography and posting to the web was a bit creepy. It would seem I contradicted myself a bit here. Every time we exit our houses we are open for scrutiny (and even home privacy is graying these days) yet while we maintain a certain level of moral code, our humanity peeks out every so often. One day I pointed out to Sharkboy a person who had his finger up his nose to the third knuckle while he waited at a light, blissfully unaware that the cab of his car had windows that allowed people to see in. Or that was his kink. Whatever.

You Gotta Beat the Clock…


You know the Simpsons episode where Kent Brockman previews a news clip by saying: “A new fad is sweeping the nation: Wasting Food!” and the guy in the video behind him tosses a whole plate of dinner into the garbage? Did you think that was funny? Then may I introduce to you a similar fad slowly growing with its own chapter here in Toronto: FreecycleTO. An email group that can yield some pretty hot booty if you’re fast enough.

I posted two old 7200 PowerPC Macs to the group and had them snagged up faster than I could hit refresh. Literally out of the basement where they were collecting dust for a year, within 5 minutes. No I didn’t expect any money for them. I could have put them to the curb and have them magically dissapear that way but there was the chance they’d be gutted and their remnants litter our street. This way I know they’re going to someone who wants/needs them, without the “garbage-picker!” chants from the kids in the neighborhood.

This gives Bill Gates, Ayn Rand and the Grinch acid reflux, I’m sure. There are under 4500 members in this group (that’s GTA Toronto, there’s a freecycle Cabbagetown too) all offering and asking for stuff at about 50-80 emails on average per day. Check it out.

Just Resting, Thanks

Personal Bits, Toronto

I was deep into my Gameboy on the subway north to work when at Bloor, a woman clutching tightly a crumpled Kleenex in one hand and a purse in the other, got on and stood before me in the crowded car. Her tissue, which could have been freshly used, I don’t know, her only barrier between the rough cracked skin around her nails and the germs that live on the poles. Yes, she was that close to see details.

The train lurched forward and she relaxed a bit. ‘A bit’ being enough to lower her carrier bag purse onto my knees. I shifted my knees a little to signal to her that she was using me as a hall table. She didn’t clue in or didn’t care. I stuffed the Katamari Damancy-growing ball of anger of having my personal space invaded by this careless person, down into my throat and shift my knees again so that the straps of her bag tug on her somewhat limp arm. There we go. She moves the bag off my knees and lets it hang.

…and lets it hit my shins at every shift of the train.

With every shin-bump I wonder what went wrong with the TTC. Sharkboy says that Toronto is experiencing growing pains like NYC did back in the 80s and I agree. I take the streetcar every day and I wonder the exact date when drivers stopped suggesting to riders that they exit through the back doors to save everyone time. Then I wonder that if some state in the Good Ol’ US of A can propose a law making teens pull up their pants so their undies aren’t showing, surely Canadians can suggest a law where people take off their backpacks in a crowded transit car. Is this not common sense?

Bump. Bump.

Like the Telltale Heart, the slightest hit digs into my nerves.

And the rest of Canada wonders why Toronto is seen as harsh. Winnipeg Winnie never got a Jaguar napsack whacked across her ass as she tries to get to a seat near the back.

At Eglinton, the car empties out some and I slide my feet out to push her bag away and my boots knock into her shoes. She moves away.

Readers, I apoligise that yammering about public transit is nothing new in the blogosphere, but I needed to get it off my chest or Sharkboy would divorce me for stupid whining. Thanks for being there for me, internet! Rant Over! F.A.B. Father!

Why I Love Sharkboy, Part the Second

Distractions, Hobbies, Toronto

Just inside the doors at every Rogers Video there is a bin of DVDs that go for $2.99 each. These bins hold such ground breaking direct-to-video classics like “Urkel – The Movie!” or “Sister Trouble 4: Death on the Amazon” or “Kriplah! The Talking Fiat from Belgrave!”

We make a game of covering our eyes and digging into this bin and pulling out a movie each, worst movie wins. Usually we have to debate who’s movie is cheesier. He always wins.

“Mine has Tom Selleck!”

“Ah, but mine was directed by Allan Smithee.”


Ice Sculptures

Favorite, Toronto

The Mailman, Sharkboy and I emerge from Sears into Dundas Square, cultural centre of Toronto, smack dab into some ice sculpture contest, sponsored by some culturally sympathetic corporation. The crowds are tremendous and aggressive as free events in the downtown core of Toronto usually are.

“Watch this,” Sharkboy says. He pushes through the crowd up to the first sculpture’s barracade. A 6 ft ice statue of a human figure is melting nicely behind the fence, its arms stretched out in icy brotherly love. People are straining to see over our shoulders as The Mailman and I jockey in behind Sharkboy.

Long pause. No expression. “I dont get it,” Sharkboy says loudly and turns from the statue. People look at him as he leaves as if he’s mad. Its an ice sculpture of a man!

Sculpture #2 is a mermaid, suitable for any wedding table centrepiece. “I dont get it,” he says louder and pushes past.

“It’s the Littlest Mermaid. I think I see the Disney Store sign back there,” I loudly join in. The Mailman is stunned and is trying to avoid us as we jockey to the next booth. In his horror to get away from our shenanigans, he stomps on a woman’s foot.

At the next booth a big wind god head with flowing mane and pursed lips sits atop an icy arch as it oversees a vignette of some sea expedition…or tragedy. Viewing ice sculptures during the day without the lights behind them sort of makes them flat and unreadable. The sign proclaims this booth was sponsored by “T-One” (or it was the title of the sculpture, we never figured that one out). “T-one? Tone? Trone?” Sharkboy muses loudly.

“Tron!” I offer. “This one HAS to be sponsored by Disney!”

A shortish woman in front of me turns and says “What is that one?”

“Tron,” I say without missing a beat.

“Ah. I thought so.” And she’s gone.

May I Present…

Personal Bits, Queer stuff, Toronto

…Mister and Mister Daniel and Mark (John?)!

What a lovely ceremony! What a lovely couple! Not a hint of politics or religion and several poiniant quotes from ee cummings to get the heartstrings tugged (yes, I did cry, thankyouverymuch, much to my sister and Sharkboy’s delight). It went off without any screaming ex-boyfriends banging on the windows, yelling “Mrs Bouvier! Mrs Bouvier!!”

Best comment, pre-wedding: “Hey Dan, when you do this again, you need to get a bigger venue.”

Thanks to Mark’s friends and bits of my family, who made the effort to come and get stuck in this crappy weather. Thanks to Mum and Da for your help and words at the party.

Mark, take care of my brother! Thirty years ago he marched (and roller skated in a Habit) through Toronto to get to where you two are today and displayed a tenacity that I wish I had. I am truly greatfull for all the work he’s done and for his stubborn, unrelenting spirit. You are his perfect compliment.

I am proud to call you brother.

I’ve removed the pictures for spacing issues but would be glad to email any to anyone who cares.

Dancin’ in the streets

Queer stuff, Toronto

Sharkboy just emailed me that Global, City TV, CTV and CBC all have beamer trucks in the village expecting some sort of celebration to spontaneously erupt due to the Supreme Court’s unsurprising ruling.

Were they expecting something like Queer as Folk where the cast takes to the streets a la Fame? Did they want to see drag queens disrupting traffic? Naked men proclaiming their right to marry? Party jackasses snorting Tina and dancing with their shirt off?

If the media wants to see good tv, they should stick their cameras in some right-winged areas of the city. From what I’ve seen on the web today (I wont link the sites, they dont deserve the traffic – go read Big Fat Hairy Living’s blog), they’re pretty hopping mad.

Feh the media. This is a non-story. Come back when the legislation is passed.

Fish and Chips


Round the corner from my house is a small Korean Mom and Pop fish and chips operation. The interior has been painted over so many times the tin ceiling panels are almost flat now. There is an original 70s Pepsi ad of a dad and son on their stomachs, facing each other, sharing a soda and some manly advice. Slightly torn and yellowing posters explaining the difference between trout and salmon adorn the walls. There is a “No Credit” sign on the wall. The benches look like they were pulled from a burning church for midgets.

The Pop doesnt say a word. Slim and gaunt, he preps the fish in the batter and when it’s done, adeptly scoops it out of the fat and slops it into Mom’s draining mesh. Thats all Ive ever seen him do. The Mom is the personality of the duo, always greeting me with a loud “HELLO yeh!” and a plastered on smile. Something about her says she is perpetually in a state of nervous fast forward as if she will forget EVERYTHING if she doesnt get it done RIGHT NOW. She repeats your order 4 or 5 times when you tell her (“Fish yeh? fish! Fish!? Yeh?”). She adds a slight, terse “yeh” after her sentences. She expertly flips your order of fish twice so that there is an even coverage of vinegar over the slab of fried mercury and dough. She must have the last “Goodbye!” as you exit. Must! All of this is insignificant in comparison to her greatest need: to touch the tape dispenser several times before actually wrapping your order in the Tsing Tao Daily. Right on the counter is an old-style brown tape dispenser she uses to seal the newspaper. When I first started to go there I would count the times she would touch the tape and not pull one off, as it were. Once! Twice! Folds the paper over the bundle! Three times! More paper! Four…? Rip! Yes!

I eventually made a contest out of it with Sharkboy: “Who Would Get More Tape Touches?” I was winning at 5 touches when one day we went in and Sharkboy made an astute observation: she touched the dispenser, which was moist at the cutting edge, to wet her fingers so she can grab the newpaper that goes around the fish. It made sense. There was usually 3-4 sheets of newsprint around the order…

Damn it! There went a little quirky thing that I loved about a total stranger, right out the window. I honestly thought with all her idiosyncrasies, she had full on OCD.

I still play the “Goodbye Game” with her, thought. Ive only won once and that was by saying it really fast and slamming the door.

We got quilting to do!


Daryl has an Arte Showee coming up, it seams (oh the puns!) This is the angry patches stuff that he creates that takes me back to when punk meant “angry as fuck!” and not “hey where’s my money!” He will be displaying his Propaganda Quilt at

Toronto Free Gallery
660 Queen St. East Toronto
(they dont have a website I think. I googled a foot fetish site from their name…)

From November 18th to December 22rd.

Get out there and see some Ahrt!