Category Archives: Travel

Countdown To Disney – Cat Sitting


I hand over the apartment keys to my 18 yr old niece. She looks like she’s going to explode with excitement – more excited than I, now that we’re less than a day away from leaving. We’re giving her full run of our place (and a couple of her friends) the two weekends we’re away. She’s going to rock out on Guitar Hero and use the Wii Fit to measure …things.

“I’m more excited about cooking for myself!” She says.

People, get the nerdiest person you know to babysit your cat/apartment. I say that in love: she’s the coolest nerd person under 30 I know and I trust her judgment implacably. Listening to her pre-university stories makes me young again. Plus the stories aren’t littered with drinking or drug paraphernalia, so it’s all good.

It took us about 20 minutes to explain to her how to turn on the TV. Da, who is also going to come in from time to time to groom the cat, didn’t bother to listen in. Too many buttons.

Countdown To Disney – No More Laundry


Screw you laundromat! I’m not setting foot in your dingy, grimy, suppose-to-be-clean rat hole again for two weeks. I’ve enough underwear to last me …like… forever!

Tonight I zero in on the 25 shirts and get that down to 15. I decide what to wear on the plane. Here’s a thought: why don’t people dress nicely on planes anymore? Last time I was on one, there were far too many sweat pants. People! Bad! No! Sweat pants are only for post-sex trips to the kitchen for food and maybe the gym.

Now to get SharkBoy to fold this shit!

Countdown to Disney – Excess


You need to watch this at your leisure. It’s a tad long but it’s an utterly mind boggling video of a “Kitchen Sink” sundae being made. Yes, we’ve made reservations at that particular restaurant/den of diabetes.


Countdown to Disney – Shirts

Distractions, Travel

With the help of George Hamilton, I now have to choose from 23 shirt choices down to 15. Yes, I’m going for 9 days – I just don’t want to be caught sweaty without a change of shirt!

All picture captions top to bottom, left to right:

(L to R) Felt Leopard, Wall*E, Bleach Robot, Astro Boy

Felt Leopard, Wall*E, Bleach Robot, Astro Boy

Scream Like a Girl Expedition Everest, Stencil Falcon, Bleach B9, Sioux City

Scream Like a Girl Expedition Everest, Stencil Falcon, Bleach B9, Sioux City

Bear Trap, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em, iPaws, Lenticular AstroBoy

Bear Trap, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em, iPaws, Lenticular AstroBoy

GI Joe (too close to the movie?), Gratuitous Canada Shirt, Bleach Skull, Tin Robots

GI Joe (too close to the movie?), Gratuitous Canada Shirt, Bleach Skull, Tin Robots

Shere Khan, Shag Bear Skull, High Heels-Wearin' Happy Monkey, Sharkies

Shere Khan, Shag Bear Skull, Happy Monkey, Sharkies

Blizzard Beach, Felt Camo Shark, Felt Mean Robot

Blizzard Beach, Felt Camo Shark, Felt Mean Robot

Scream Like a Rock Star


hatboyAs you can see by this picture, I’m dressing like it’s my vacation already. Something I told my favorite Starbucks baristas this morning when they commented on the hat*. When they asked where I was going, I shyly said “Disney”, looking down at my shoes.

“SQUEEEEE!” all three girls shout.

*I’m painfully aware that the hat makes me look like I’m trying to dress like I’m 21 but I’ve always wanted one due to a secret love of Yogi Bear.

You Know What I Love?


Buying toiletries before a trip.

I love cleaning out my travel kit and tossing the 4 year old dental floss and replacing it with some 2 year old sample I got from my dentist. I must replace that 3 year old shaggy dog toothbrush for one of my dental hygienist giveaways too. I also love getting fresh moisturizer and mouthwash in those adorable little bottles and shitcan the old ones that are so crusted around the lid, it looks like the opening to Stimpy’s Nose Goblin Cave. Oh and I saw these hilarious Wall•E band-aids that are clear and look like tattoos! Had to have them. And did you know they make cola-flavoured extra strength aspirin? Dissolves on your tongue! Tastes like cola! Purrr-chase! Then I grabbed up some sunscreen, because you know, I spent over $1000 on that tattoo and I don’t want it to fade in the 32C Florida sun. Slather! And fresh shave cream. I’m tired of using my 4 year old moisturizer and I’m opting in for the good stuff: Visage or some such metrosexual nonsense. Speaking of which I need to see if I still have those old Gillette Mach 3 handles that can fit those pharmacy no-name blades. Who the fuck wants to pay $21 for 4 cartridges? Nuh uh! Not me! And a nail file, too because the claws are getting a bit unruly and I need something to do while we fly or I’ll bite them down to the DNA. Ear plugs? Check! Ear swabs? Got ’em! With a handy travel pack too! And not the shitty dollar store blue stick kind that go through your eardrums like butter through air. Tweezers? Black Covergirl with precision tip point, thaanyewverruymuck! Corn covers? Well why not!? We’ll be walking on average 10 KM a day! Small tensor bandage, of course. The Disney grounds are immaculate but there might be some crooked flagstones, you know. And let’s not forget a good soap. Love Mickey, love free hotel soap, don’t love free Mickey near my butt.

Oh and a gun. For the bag inspectors. Just for a laugh*.

*I am within my rights to make jokes here, still. For now.

Channeling My Inner Cast Member

Travel, Work

disney_mulan_mushuYesterday I got a panicky call from my boss while I was at lunch: “Can you get down here and wear the Roo suit?! Bring flyers too!”

Flash back to 2007 when SharkBoy and I are exploring the China pavilion at EPCOT. We come around a secluded corner and we’re standing in front of the rather short (nearly dwarfish!) dragon character from the movie Mulan.

Me: “Gueshew!”
The Character’s Minder: (utterly exasperated, probably had to remind people all day who this guy was) Mushu!
Me: “Right. Can we get a picture?”

Flash forward to a few days ago, while discussing marketing materials for our upcoming Australia Week presentation, I mentioned I would love to try on the company’s Roo suit as a precursor to my Disney trip. Just to see how the cast members at Walt Disney World do it.

I’ve always admired anyone who can put on a costume that will kill you within minutes through heat exhaustion.

While in the safety of a mask, it’s easy to become something apart from the norm. Something outside a desk job and 9-5 humdrum. I could see the attraction form those Plushie/Furries as that you become a more innocent persona. And while in this persona, you can see just how incredibly polarized Torontonians are when faced with a 7 ft tall kangaroo while walking home from work. Some laughed. Some interacted, even if it was just a wave and a smile. Some got excited and were chatty. But most chose to ignore me. Which baffles me. I use to tut-tut bstewart23’s constant griping about Toronto being an “un-fun” place to live. Or SharkBoy’s complaint that “Toronto certainly ain’t Montreal”.

They’re both completely right – Toronto is full of unfunny, desensitized people.

Case in point: In costume, I’m waving at a woman passing me by. Nothing, zero, nada – I could have touched her she passed by so close yet no acknowledgement. So I follow her to the corner (not an easy feat with size 23 feet) and stand close beside her. She turns to see who is in her personal space and screams. Did you not just see the 7ft tall kangaroo?

Then there was the guy on his phone, walking towards me. I do a little tail wagging dance and mock fingers-to-ear phone mime. “I’m being bothered by a giant rat,” he says into his phone, without a hint of humour or appreciation that I just took him out of his dull day. Bitter fuck.

And to the two dicks on lowrider bikes, zipping past me so fast that they got a good cold-cocking punch to my snout without me even knowing it was going to happen, I say go play in traffic. With blindfolds. And razor blades in your cheeks.

Don’t get me wrong, some people were great. I had a group of liquid lunch secretaries grab my arms and do a song and dance while one video-ed it on her cell phone. Wee! One woman screamed when I did a jog towards her with flyer in hand, reminding me that even my niece-in-law can’t even be near a costumed raccoon, let alone a real one. A actual Australian couple, fresh off the plane asked why I was in a coyote outfit.

There were kids. Lots of kids. All of them utterly frightened to come near me until I extended a hand. I was hugged repeatedly.

But for the most part, people would not look at me or acknowledge me. Okay this kind of reaction would probably happen in any major city but it’s sad, none the less. Are we so compartmentalized that a 7ft tall kangaroo costume can’t even rouse up a grin or a nod?

Two Tickets to Paradise

Travel, Work

Just got an email from the Management Board of the company I work for:

Hi Ted, we sent a request to all managers asking them to nominate staff that they felt had done something exceptional or gone beyond the call of duty during these tough times and in response to this, Emma nominated you. In recognition of this we are pleased to award you 2 tickets for travel on Air New Zealand from Vancouver or Los Angeles to New Zealand, Australia, Cooks or Fiji.

The tickets are available for travel between now and September 30th – all travel must be complete by that date.

Holy Crap! Where do I go?

Thursday Awesomeness – Disney Style!

Distractions, Travel

Finally, in our comments: Tell me your worst Disney movie. I’ve Twittered this and will combine all the responses into a post soon.